Sunday, February 9, 2014

Moral Rejig

Morality. The word that scares the youth, confounds the old, confuses the middle-aged and pricks the wicked. The meaning of it depletes at the passing of time. And it is unfortunate that morality is judicially considered to be adding indignity to the intellectuality and abstraction to the prevailing clarity - with regards to the framing and practise of the codes of law, hence kept away from its purview or simply struck down.

On the social front, high-minded behavior of the modern urban upper class has brutally killed morality in all its pure sense and the trend is being passed on to the middle class and the classes down under. The famous Cole Porter song 'Anything Goes' composed in 1934 has riveting lyrics that captures the entirety of the issue in beautiful words.

As for re-jigs - yes, they do occur - sometimes to mend things or generally to break things, and when they occur they are a very interesting phenomenon. Books from the authors - Henry Miller and DH Lawrence - were once banned, but eventually (after years) the ban was lifted and those tabooed books were then accommodated into the social stream of things. The name of the Lord, Jesus Christ, is now listed under profane words in the IMDB - and appears in the parental advisory column. Old meanings deplete and new meanings develop. Roles exchange. Controversies trigger. Scandals mysteriously solve by itself, saints become devils and devils venerated as gods. Time is the smirking villain of the whole endeavor. Loss of conviction, dirt in polity and the proud adulation of the Machiavelli, and no to ideology and no to principles - is the new morality. This whole package comes under the false hood called liberty. To the dismay of all our hopes, liberty eats away our liberty. 

We are like the dead fish taken away downstream. The release of our minds has been our fall headlong. No one wants to question 'this' convention. Well, I'm not praising the bohemian or counter-bohemian way of life. How does a bohemian lifestyle matter if it only promotes disharmony and adds to the moral erosion? When the social conventions deplete, a true bohemian does not add to the dying down by hiking the ultra-regression index - but tries turning the scenario upside down in favor of peace and harmony.

What is missing is the balance! We either produce rapists or fanatics, terrorists or hypocrites. The ones that do not fall under either of these binaries have no idea why they live their lives. They allow themselves to be sucked into the vicious cycle of life and then, sadly, are thrown into their graves. We have enough religions, cultures and states. What we need is a reformist ideal - and no more dividing themes and the ever-increasing demi-gods. Jesus was a social reformer. But once this love movement called Christianity took to religious dimensions, the surrounding sheen in its entirety worn out all too quickly - in the twinkle of an eye.

Moral rejigs are bound to happen and are not in our control. Yes, we need rejigs that benefit. Rejigs, that do not corrupt the sanctity of our minds. We need new designs to dissolve hypocrisy and not fuel it. However, not all the rejigs could be termed right, because populist notions could go awfully wrong. When populism drags the society towards the wrong, we need upright people to courageously confront the mistakes of the majority. It is a paramount necessity that we end our lip service and contribute to the society in real sense. The wounds our societies have borne due to the continuous jigs-and-rejigs need to be healed. We need morals and values, as much as we need love and freedom. We need to be people whose progressive belief system does not sway at seductive immoral moments. We need to be like those brave men in the battlefield who would take a stance and stick to it to death. Voice out for the weak and the poor. Shoulder them. Stand firm. Establish harmony. If it has to end in death, let it be so. Smile and die a noble death - proud in knowing that you have been a part of the love revolution, and that morality - in its profound sense of purity - has not died out.

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