Look around and see what's happening! There is only hatred, envy, backstabbing, name calling, war, murder, rape, immorality everywhere. Some people believe in God and some don't. They say there are scientific proofs emerging for supernatural God-intervened miracles to have taken place in the past. But do you even remotely remember of any one miracle your eyes have seen which would stand at one percent par(atleast) with all those great things that are said to have happened. Some people tend to feel all that is written in the Scriptures is false, name the attitude they carry - being practical and not being superstitious - and completely disregard God. Does it help? Not one inch. It only throws them back into to the spiral of the dark pleasures of the world, now without any feeling of guilt.
Okay, why are there no evident miracles these days? When you go to a healing crusade, some godmen call names and pronounce healing, other godmen pray with authority and yeah, you may even see some people walk up to the stage and testify their healing right away. But one annoying question keeps striking your mind - is that really true? Yes, I agree to your inquisition. If all that that happens inside an auditorium or a under a tent is true, why is there no record of the same gift of healing working when the same godmen walk through the streets. Didn't Apostle Peter heal that crippled beggar on his way to the Temple?
The miracles we read from the Scriptures are totally different from the ones we see today. This induces people to question their very authenticity. But one thing is sure. We dont see any evident God intervention and manifestation these days because - God is pissed off with all of us! Dont blame God because you cannot see any authenticity in the Scriptures! Blame your religion, blame your church, blame your miracle-workers! Ow Ow Ow. Wait. Why do you want to point fingers at others? Blame yourself!!! You are the reason God is pissed off! Your view of God and the world starts with your self! You are to be blamed for all the wrongs you claim you see and the judgements you pass!
God has seen enough of all of us, humans, and, is pissed off big time! Imagine you piss off a dog in your street! Try pulling its tail or simply throw a small stone at it! Oh no, you wouldn't dare invite trouble doing anything as stupid as that! Because you know that it would definitely pounce on you ferociously and have a taste of your flesh!! If you can have that much of respect for a dog, why dont you even care to have the slightest of respects for God!!! Who do you think God is!!! Do you think He is some low life dirtier than a street dog!!! Take heed, you fool!!! Stop deceiving yourself!!!
We never show love! When a beggar comes to us, we turn our faces. When someone is lying on the road hurt, we wouldn't stop to call an ambulance. We are so selfish. If it is for our friends, we would do anything. But a strong NO to that poor starving woman we cross every day we walk down the road. Because she's not going to talk about our so-called great helpful character to everyone she sees, but our friends would definitely praise us for long. If it is for booze or food at an expensive cuisine or shopping, we wouldn't mind spending in thousands!! But how much do we care about the hungry living on the scrap we throw from our dustbins!!! We like to own everything, keep even things that belong to others to ourselves. One day we mistakenly see the upper contours of a lady's breast and we quickly judge her to be a total slut as if we are the most saintly of creatures! And what do we do when we are alone in secret - go to that porn site we have frequented ourselves with, fill our cup with truck loads of mundane lust and attain a momentary bust of our irksome stress!! We all lie so fluently to put down people whom we don't like and to lift our very image up. We hide our pitfalls and easily point fingers at others. We play political games. We wear multiple masks. We try to steal other's credits. Despite all this, we still think greatly of ourselves. We are all narcissists of the highest order, but we never accept any of this with openness though we clearly know who we are deep within!!
Doom to all of us!!! No wonder you are not able to see God in your life!!! You have mocked His very grace that keeps you alive!!! Mind you, you are so damn dead!!! If you don't turn from your willfull wrongdoings and your craze for vanity, you may even die a terrible death and the same street dogs you regard well above God would come and lick your drying blood!!! And flies would swarm around your dead body and whizzz praises for you!!!
Don't panic. It is still not too late. Introspect. Correct yourselves. Do good. Love others without measure. And God will love you dearly.
Don't panic. It is still not too late. Introspect. Correct yourselves. Do good. Love others without measure. And God will love you dearly.
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