Saturday, January 10, 2015

Nicer Yesterdays & Brighter Tomorrows

Introversion and being alone have always been romanticized. You get time to smile at your own funny self, look at the mirror and practice a few weird expressions, take a walk to the lake nearby, sit in the quiet and write poetry.

Our musings have in its vibrant strings the music of our lovely past. The good past. The past that once made us sink into that forever reverie, but for a moment. The past, that is far too old and the one that is recent. How great would it be to keep our lives rich with the nicest people on the planet! People whose loveliness that would never change and their liquid jaggery of sweetness that would never stop dripping, though we be indifferent during our not so good times.

The model of our happiness should not be driven by/depend on just one person. There needs to be multiple people in it, each of them assuming their own roles perfectly well like how the jigsaw pieces would sit in their right places to solve the puzzle. There needs to be a convex sense of belief applied to it. If we allow ourselves to be amused by just one person, we would just end up succumbing to their many qualms and mood swings that we are not privy to and end up spoiling our own happiness. It is always a wrong thing to point fingers at others. We need to understand and accept that we could be the misfits of the equation. If there be need to walk away, we need to gladly do it with a smile and in silence - because it is always a nice thing to regard the happiness of others better than our own!

These are sillier things. Lilliputian of issues should not be given free pass to bring down the giant of your personality. We need to deal with bigger problems, clean deeper wounds and mourn the forever loss of sense and sensibilities. No one escapes eventualities. There is a world to defeat and conquer, or that we fight the monsters of our own making. Or that the issue is a blend of both. The real problems and the unreal ones. We cannot waste our time thinking about facades that have already fallen. Where we really need to put our thoughts into is to build monuments out of the wreckage!

We could be smiling outside but crying within. Our songs of strength could only be in words and in tune - short-lived, evaporating at the touch of the heat, dying when the music stops. We need to come out of our cocoons. The cocoons that we have ourselves built. The ideas that we think are the ideals. It is time to take a re-look at our position and perspectives. Real strength lies not just in forgetting the unpleasant memories, but also in fighting life's battles, after which you jumping sky-high with the loudest of shouts, the banner of victory waving in the wind.

They say that we should live in the present. But if our present is filled with all of world's unimaginably burdensome problems, would we just not fall into that dark pit of worries and sulk all the time! There is no point in running away from all of life's issues and finding havens to hide. Tests make us strong. Gold becomes purer in the refiner's fire. Nicer yesterdays and a tougher present would always mean brighter tomorrows.

So cheer up! May your face be adorned with the most genuine smile!